[C#] 纯文本查看 复制代码 //取当前webBrowser登录后的Cookie值
[DllImport("wininet.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool InternetGetCookieEx(string pchURL, string pchCookieName, StringBuilder pchCookieData, ref int pcchCookieData, int dwFlags, object lpReserved);
private static string GetCookieString(string url)
// Determine the size of the cookie
int datasize = 256;
StringBuilder cookieData = new StringBuilder(datasize);
if (!InternetGetCookieEx(url, null, cookieData, ref datasize, 0x00002000, null))
if (datasize < 0)
return null;
// Allocate stringbuilder large enough to hold the cookie
cookieData = new StringBuilder(datasize);
if (!InternetGetCookieEx(url, null, cookieData, ref datasize, 0x00002000, null))
return null;
return cookieData.ToString();