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HttpHelper爬虫框架(V2.7-含.netcore) HttpHelper官方出品,爬虫框架讨论区 - 源码下载 - 在线测试和代码生成

HttpHelper爬虫类(V2.0) 开源的爬虫类,支持多种模式和属性 源码 - 代码生成器 - 讨论区 - 教程- 例子

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[HttpHelper] 京东商城领券 要提示验证码错误 求帮忙看看

发表于 2015-6-4 09:15:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
代码如下: url="http://active.coupon.jd.com/ilink/couponActiveFront/front_index.action?key=6bafba67712344b8be108233f2eae693&roleId=1058050&to=sale.jd.com/act/xqidlajcqxm.html";

cookie 为登录cookie。 不知道怎么输入验证码都是错误啊。。。

[C#] 纯文本查看 复制代码
 HttpHelper helper = new HttpHelper();

HttpResult result = new HttpResult();

HttpItem itm = new HttpItem()

URL = url,

KeepAlive = true,

Method = "GET",

Cookie = cookie,

itm.Cookie = cookie;

result = helper.GetHtml(itm);

string errmsg = Regex.Match(result.Html, "<h1 class=\"ctxt02\"><s class=\"icon(.*?)/s>([^<]*)").Groups["2"].Value.ToString();

if (errmsg.Trim() == "")
string gourl = Regex.Match(result.Html, "gotoUrl = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString();

string key = Regex.Match(result.Html, "key = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString();

string roolid = Regex.Match(result.Html, "roleId = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString();

string to = Regex.Match(result.Html, "to = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString();

string csrfStr = Regex.Match(result.Html, "csrfStr = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString();

string key3d = Regex.Match(result.Html, "key3d = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString();

itm.URL = Regex.Match(result.Html, "var url3d = '([^']*)").Groups["1"].Value.ToString() + key3d + "&_t="+GetTime();

itm.Method = "GET";

itm.ResultType = ResultType.Byte;

result = helper.GetHtml(itm);

string code = "";

if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)

pictureBox1.Image = byteArrayToImage(result.ResultByte);


code = textBox1.Text.Trim();

textBox1.Text = "";

pictureBox1.Image = null;


string sumiturl = gourl + "verifyCode="+ code + "&key=" + key + "&roleId=" + roolid+ "&to=" + to + "&csrfStr=" + csrfStr;;

itm.URL = sumiturl;

itm.Method = "GET";

itm.ContentType = "";

result = helper.GetHtml(itm);

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